Canvas student



Pack your bags! You are about to embark on a journey learning about how to use Canvas as a student. At each passport stop, you will collect a badge (passport stamp). Each of these represents an Instructure office around the globe. You can choose to begin your journey at our very first office, Salt Lake City, UT or you may choose to pick a different spot to begin your exploration!


This course, Passport to Canvas, provides everything you need to know about using Canvas in your class(es).  Canvas helps you:

  • Keep track of the work you are assigned by your instructor, grades and feedback
  • Organize all of the learning material your instructor has created
  • Help you stay in touch with other members of your class 


map.pngMoving Through the Course

The course is organized into Modules.  Each module focuses on one Canvas tool. You may move through the Modules in order or, you can open only the Modules you would like to learn more about. If you choose to complete an entire Module, you can claim a passport stamp for each Module that you complete. Open a module by selecting the map links or, you can see a full list of all module names by selecting the Modules link in the course navigation to the left. Happy travels! 




CC Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike This course content is offered under a CC Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike Links to an external site. license. Content in this course can be considered under this license unless otherwise noted.