1.8 | Adding Contact Methods

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About Adding Contact Methods 

In Canvas, you have a default Contact Method, you may add additional contact methods to your Canvas Account. Contact Methods are used to communicate Course updates and also instructor feedback to you.


Adding an Email Address 

animation of the process outlined below


      1. To add more Contact Methods, click on Account from the Global Navigation. 
      2. Select Settings. 
      3. Choose the +Email Address to add another email. 
      4. When finished, select the Register email button. 


Adding a Cell Phone Number 

animation of the process outlined below


      1. To add more contact methods, click on Account from the Global Navigation. 
      2. Select Settings. 
      3. Add your cell phone number by choosing the +Contact Method button.
      4. Add your cell phone number and choose your wireless carrier, the SMS email is automatically entered.
      5. Then select Register SMS. 

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