9.3 | Account Settings

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About Account Settings

In the Student App, the Account Settings is the area where you can manage your personal settings.


Accessing Account Settings


animation of the process outlined below


To access Account Settings through the app, tap the menu icon, then tap "Settings."


Account Settings Overview

screenshot of the process outlined below


Profile: You can update your profile picture by tapping the profile image. It will give you the option to take or upload a profile picture, build an avatar, or add a cover photo.

About: This is where you can view your profile user information. There are also links to some of the policies and legal info for the app, but you will not have to worry too much about that section.

Landing Page: The Landing Page is the page you would like to have shown when you first open the student app. You can choose from the list of options.

Notification Preferences: Customize your notification preferences for your student app. Note these settings are for the app only and will not change your notification preferences. 


Some features within the Student App vary by version and device. This demo has been done on an iPad (iOS) tablet. Check the Canvas Mobile Guides Links to an external site. for device-specific details.

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