(Review) Solfege (study notes)
Solfege (also called solfa, or solfeggio) provides a framework for melodies by establishing recognizable relationships between pitches, and training your ear to hear patterns. It is an excellent system for learning the architecture behind music, and is a fundamental concept of ear training.
Solfege provides pure vowel shapes to designate scale tones in a key signature. "Do" is always the first pitch of the scale and the name of the key.
Hand signs are also used as a physical and visual aid with the syllables.
Which note to call "Do" in a song depends on the key signature (how many flats or sharps).
(Example of Solfege scale in the key of G, which has an F# in the key signature)
Solfege is very useful in sight reading vocal and choral music.
Below is an example of vocal music in the key of C (no flats or sharps), labeled with solfege syllables to help learn the melody notes.