(Review) Melodic Notation (study notes)

Melodic Notation

Music Notation.PNG Melodic and Rhythmic Notation Functions.PNG

Music Vocabulary                                   

Melodic Note

How high or low a note sounds.  Notes have letter names A→ G following the alphabet going up the lines and spaces. Reverse down.


A symbol that tells you what the name of the note is on the lines and spaces of a staff.

Key Signature

Sharps and flat at the beginning of a piece of music that tell you to play those notes (rather than natural) for the whole song.


Raises the pitch of the note by a half step. The key immediately to the  right of the natural note key on the keyboard.


Lowers the pitch of the note by a half step. The key immediately to the  left of the natural note key on the keyboard.


Cancels out a sharp or flat.


Music Notation

The music notes follow the pattern of the alphabet: forward moving up the lines and spaces, and backwards moving down.

 Treble Clef Notes.PNG

Treble Clef:        Soprano, Alto, *Tenor

  • High sounding notes
  • Played with the right hand on piano
  • Notes to the right of “Middle C”, the center of the piano

*Lines: EGBDF
Phrase: Every Good Boy Does Fine

*Space: FACE
Phrase: Face is in the Space

            Bass Clef notes.PNG

Bass Clef:       *Tenor, Baritone, Bass

  • Low sounding notes
  • Played with the Left hand on piano
  • Notes to the left of “Middle C”, the center of the piano

*Lines: GBDFA
Phrase: Good Burritos Don’t Fall Apart

*Space: ACEG
Phrase: All Cows Eat Grass

ledger lines.gif



Key Signature:

The key signature determines how many sharp or flat notes will be played in the music.



The Circle of Fifths is a tool used to remember and organize the pattern of all the Key Signatures and their corresponding sharps and flats.



Accidentals: Sharps, Flats and Naturals

These are notes with a sharp, flat, or natural symbol before it, that is outside of the key signature.
