Vocal Health Part 2: Posture

Vocal Health and You Lesson 2: Posture

EQ: Why should we use good posture while singing?


  • What is posture?
    • The way in which your body is positioned when you are sitting or standing.
  • Why do we always use good posture when singing?
    • Good posture helps us to create a better sound, sing properly, sing healthily, and makes us look more professional.
  • Elements of good posture
    1. Feet - Shoulder width apart.
    2. Knees - Slightly bent. Don’t lock up and pass out.
    3. Arms - Hanging at your sides. (When not holding music.)
    4. Rib Cage - Expanded to get more air.
    5. Shoulders - Should be back and relaxed.
    6. Head - Level with the floor.
  • Posture positions we will use in class
    • Position #1 = Standing up nice and tall              good bad posture standing.jpg
    • Position #2 = Sitting up nice and tall                         Good posture.jpg
    • Position #3 = Relaxed position
      • You may sit back in your chair when  not singing