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Canvas for Families

CITRUS _ Header - Canvas for Parents and Guardians (Illustrated) (1).png   

Important message and video for families whose students ride the bus:

To address the bus driver shortage, our district has been strategic in how we deal with challenges involving our transportation system. In addition to raising the salaries for our drivers, we have implemented a new transportation behavior matrix. Over the summer, our Transportation teams coordinated with district administration to build a behavior model which shows infractions and consequences. To support our bus drivers and make it all work – we need your help to make sure your child knows the rules of the bus. Please watch this video to ensure that you and your child understand the expectations when riding the bus to and from school.


This course is to provide parents and guardians with:

  • an introduction to Canvas
  • directions on how to create a parent account to enroll as an observer in a course 
  • information on how to navigate Canvas (Desktop/Laptop Experience or Mobile App)

This course is available to any parent or guardian who wants to know more about Canvas. 

You can anticipate approximately 30 minutes to an hour to complete the course and Canvas parent account setup.

Click the icon below to view the introduction to Canvas and then choose your path for your Canvas parent account--the Desktop/Laptop experience or Mobile App.  You can do BOTH if you'd like!

CITRUS _ BUTTON  - Intro to Canvas.png

Click the icons below for the Desktop/Laptop Path.

Copy of BUTTON  - Create Your Account (3).png CITRUS _ BUTTON  - Desktop Experience.png


Click the icons below for the Mobile App Path.

Copy of BUTTON  - Create Your Account (2).pngCITRUS _ BUTTON  - Canvas App.png

Please note that the course is unmoderated (there is no instructor). To access Citrus County Parent resources for Canvas, please visit the Parents section of our website Links to an external site., or select the link in the course navigation.