2.2 | Creating Your Canvas Account: It's as Easy as 1-2-3! (Instructions for Mobile Devices)

Becoming a Canvas Observer

As an Observer, you can link your Canvas account to your student's account, so that you can see assignment dues dates, announcements, course content, grades, feedback, etc. As an observer you can view the course content but cannot participate in the course.

Generate a Pairing Code 

Before creating your Canvas account, you will need to generate a pairing code from your student's Canvas account. On your student's district-provided iPad, open the Canvas Student app and take the following steps: 


  1. From the User Menu, tap the Settings Link
  2. Tap the Pair with Observer link
  3. Copy down the pairing code (it is CaSe-sEnSiTiVe)

Generate Pairing Code.png

Additional Resources:

Download the Free Canvas Parent App!

Click here for directions on how to download the app or continue with the directions if you already have the app.

Find Citrus County Schools in the Canvas App


On your iOS or Android device, open the Canvas Parent App:

  1. Tap the Find School button.
  2. Search for Citrus County and select Citrus County Schools - Parents
  3. Click Need a Canvas Account? Click Here, It's Free! 

Parent Account Set Up (5).png



Create Your Observer Account and Link to Your Student(s)

Stop Sign on emojidex 1.0.34 Are you an employee of Citrus County School District? 

Please be sure to enter a personal email address when registering for your Canvas Parent account. Please do not use the email address ending in @citrusschools.org, as this will prevent your account from being set up properly. 

Once you've completed the steps above, you're ready to claim your Canvas account!


  1. Select Parents sign up here (you may need to scroll on your phone screen to find the link)
  2. Enter the required information (name, email, password, pairing code) and click the blue Start Participating button.
  3. Learn how to link additional students to your account in the Canvas Parent app

Parent Account Set Up (6).png

Customize Your Account Settings

There are certain things (like customizing some account settings) that can only be done in the desktop or laptop version of Canvas. Head to Navigating the Canvas Desktop Experience as an Observer for information about accessing Canvas on your desktop or laptop computer.

Here is information about some settings you may wish to change: