1.1 | An Introduction to Canvas

About Canvas

What is Canvas and how do I use it as a Parent or Guardian?

Parent standing behind child who is sitting down using a laptop..PNGCanvas is a Learning Management System (LMS) that allows educators to make teaching and learning exponentially better. It is used to simplify and enhance teaching and learning by connecting all of the digital tools that teachers, students, and parents use in one place. Canvas courses can be accessed anywhere, any time—making learning limitless! Your Citrus student may use Canvas to:

    • access class materials
    • submit assignments and quizzes
    • participate in discussions with their peers
    • keep up-to-date with important messages from their teachers

Citrus parents and guardians can claim a Canvas Observer account in order provide additional support for their students in the place where teaching and learning is already happening.

This short course will introduce you to Canvas and provide some need-to-know information about setting up your Canvas Observer account. It will also provide tips and tricks for setting up your Canvas account in a way to help you best support your Citrus student.

What types of things can Parents & Guardians do in Canvas? 

As a parent or guardian with a Canvas Observer account, you will be able to view course information and details, but will not be able to participate in Canvas or submit assignments for your student. Your observer account will be linked to your student's Canvas account in order to see their grades and teacher feedback, upcoming events assignments and events, and other course interactions. If you have multiple students enrolled in Citrus County Public Schools, you will be able to link your Canvas observer account with multiple students. 

The table below provides an overview of the types of things you can and cannot do as a Parent or Guardian in Canvas. 

Things parents & guardians can do in Canvas...

Things parents & guardians CANNOT do in Canvas...

  • View the list of courses where their students are enrolled
  • Customize notifications for course announcements and/or specific assignments and events
  • See the course assignments page
  • Preview course documents
  • View the course syllabus
  • View the course calendar
  • Examine their student’s grades on assignments
  • Communicate with the course instructor
  • Monitor their child’s performance on Canvas assignments
  • Access course content (files, other students’ work, etc.)
  • See unpublished courses
  • See course rosters
  • Read or participate in course discussions
  • Join course groups
  • Send messages to students (other than the one they are observing)
  • Submit assignments
  • Take quizzes
  • Participate in the course in any way